Collaborative Governance Case Database


The Shared Resource for High Quality Research

Collaborative governance generates enormous interest from scholars and practitioners. However, the study of collaborations is limited by the extensive work required for high quality case studies, making it harder to collect sufficient cases and conduct more robust analyses. The collaborative governance case database provides a free common pool resource for researchers to share high quality case studies, enabling them to share, collect, and analyse larger numbers of case studies.​​

Add a case, get cited by other researchers using your case for their analysis. Database contributions are peer-reviewed and are referenced when used.

The collaborative case database is completely open access, all researchers can view cases and use them in their research projects

Use the case format from the database as a platform for joint research projects, mobilizing colleagues to collect data about specific themes or types of cases.

The database contains cases from a wide variety of policy domains and different types of information is collected about each case

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How to Access Cases?
The complete database is available freely online. You can search for different types of collaborations or download the full set of cases. For more information see the Access Cases page.
How to Contribute Cases?
The Database welcomes diversity of cases. All types of collaborative governance cases from all policy domains are welcome. Researchers can now join and use the database to get more from their case studies, for more information see the Contribute Cases page.